Stop the Spread of Anti-Jewish Hate
Supporting your Jewish team members and neighbors is neither pro-Israel nor anti-Palestine; it’s about recognizing our shared humanity.*
For thousands of years, Jews have been scapegoated as evil and blamed for social problems and heinous crimes. And it's still happening today. I see antisemitic conspiracy theories and anti-Jewish tropes on LinkedIn and other platforms with alarming frequency.
When you fail to call out biased, false, and misleading anti-Jewish rhetoric, you are contributing to a normalization of hate that endangers me and my community. Unchallenged antisemitism not only causes Jewish people to fear for our safety but also increases other kinds of persecution and bias, with devastating effects for all of society.
These are examples of the hateful antisemitic tropes and rhetoric I often see on social media. Sometimes they aren't overt, but instead use dog whistles and terms like "cabal," "global elite" and "Zionists"** to refer to Jewish people.
-Jews run America.
-Jews control the media, government, academia, and/or banks.
-Jews are greedy, wealthy capitalists who have too much power in the world economy.
-A powerful network of Jews/Zionists secretly rules the world.
-Jews cannot be trusted because they are only loyal to Israel.
-Jews will do anything to advance their own interests, regardless of who it harms.
-All Jews are collectively responsible for Israel's oppression of Palestinian people.
We are all accountable when we allow an entire community to be scapegoated. If you stand for human dignity, peace, and truth, here are 5 ways you can help stop the spread of anti-Jewish hate:
1. Educate yourself about the alarming rise of antisemitic tropes on social media.
2. Counter hateful rhetoric with positive, respectful, and inclusive messages.
3. Promote interfaith and intercultural dialogues.
4. Encourage others in your circle to say no to hate.
5. Extend solidarity to those who are targeted by anti-Jewish hatred and propaganda.
*I never advocate for neutrality, which I consider to be disingenuous and complicit with oppression. What I’m calling out here is the conflation of antisemitism and anti-Zionism. Simply put, there is no “contradiction” in opposing acts of anti-Jewish hate and standing for justice for Palestinian people.
**All criticism of the State of Israel is not antisemitic. Anti-Zionism is not always and already antisemitism. However, the term “Zionism” is sometimes used to mask anti-Jewish hatred, which is why I include it in the tropes listed here.
👉🏽How can I help you address antisemitism in your workplace, organization, college or university?