The Personal Is Political: A Post-Election Reflection

Just in case you forgot, the personal is still political.🌈✨

Many queer and transgender people, Black and Brown people, immigrants, workers, women, Jews, Muslims and Arabs and other groups are not simply sad that our candidate didn’t win. We are worried about our safety and the safety of our loved ones.

After fighting for LGBTQIA2S+ rights for over 30 years, I am tired of having to defend my existence and my love. Queer and transgender people and our families are not monstrous.

I love and support my rainbow family and will fight for equality and safety for queer and trans youth—and all my trans & nonbinary siblings—until my last breath.

If you stand with our community, now is the time to be loud and proud in your advocacy!

ID: Photo of Elisa and her spouse Carolyn Sullivan, both smiling. Elisa is a white femme lesbian wearing Pride sunglasses and a rainbow-colored scarf. C is a white gender nonconforming queer wearing sunglasses, a yellow shirt, and a rainbow Pride flag bow tie.


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