How to Be Corrected Without Being Offended

Leaders, are you modeling the behavior you expect from others? If you want to create a healthy workplace culture, remember that being corrected isn't an attack; it's an opportunity to grow.

Let’s be honest, many of us are scared of making mistakes or offending others. But stepping out of safety and into growth means normalizing messing up. Being an impactful leader or change agent doesn't require us to be perfect; it requires us to be accountable.

Here are 5 of my inclusive leadership strategies for approaching criticism as an opportunity for growth:

1. PAUSE: Don’t be reactive. Take the time to sit with your feelings and process so that you can respond with clarity, intention, and integrity.
2. VALUES: Focus on shared values. Being corrected is an opportunity to build better relationships. I've developed wonderful connections that started with discord and criticism.
3. ALIGNMENT: When approached with a growth mindset, being corrected is a great way to model how to align your words and actions. This kind of accountability builds trust and fosters learning and transparency on your team.
4. VULNERABILITY: Having all the answers isn't what authentic leadership is about. Get comfortable with being vulnerable and open about challenges and mistakes. Being less invested in being right will help you negotiate the moments when others tell you that you’re wrong.
5. SELF-COMPASSION: Authentic growth and discovery requires self-compassion, not self-blame. Treating yourself with kindness helps you cultivate resilience and create psychological safety, empowering your team to take risks and grow.

Don’t let fear of making mistakes stand in the way of achieving your goals for 2025! Message me to discuss how I can help you to implement inclusive leadership practices that will support the success of your team or organization.

ID: Graphic by Sylvia Duckworth depicting various types of plants surrounding the following text: "If you can't be corrected without being offended, you will never grow."


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