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Your Silence Will Not Protect You
For many years, silence separated me from the person I yearned to be and isolated me, but I thought surrendering a part of myself to silence was necessary for my safety and survival. It took me many years to discover the price of keeping silences and power of voice as a political demand. Women, Global Majority people, and gender expansive people of all ethnicities, classes, ages, sexualities, religions, and abilities all struggle (in different ways) against the tyrannies of silence. It is by recognizing our shared journeys to find language for our truths that we can face our fears, decolonize our minds, and create spaces for healing, authentic connection, and collective liberation.
How White Supremacy Links Racism and Antisemitism
“Jews will not replace us." Remember that chant from Charlottesville in 2017? The idea that Jewish people push "anti-white racism" to weaken the West—an antisemitic trope promoted by white supremacists and Christian nationalists —is simply a contemporary version of a virulent anti-Jewish conspiracy theory that goes back centuries. At the root of this brand of antisemitism is the Great Replacement Theory: a belief that Jews, who only "pretend" to be white, are plotting to exterminate or "replace" white Christians.
The Bravest Thing I Ever Did
The bravest thing I ever did wasn’t leaving the security of academia to launch my own business as a diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging consultant, although I’ll admit that was terrifying. It was deciding that I didn’t care what other people thought of me. In 1985 I came out to my family and was disowned. I was devastated & no longer had money for college. In 1986 I “went straight” & transferred to a new university. Life in the closet was soul-crushing. I struggled with my health for years.
Moving from Allyship to Solidarity
Lately I’ve been finding that the term “ally” doesn’t resonate with me. How can we recognize our shared struggles when we’re working within a militaristic paradigm that (1) centers those with power and privilege and (2) reinforces the binary logic of ally vs enemy? Progressives rarely admit it, but saviorism is definitionally built into allyship because, when we say that we're striving to be an ally, we’re saying “this work is not mine.” Another shortcoming of allyship is its individualistic focus, which tends to privilege personal journeys over collective justice work.
The High Holidays: Jewish Identity and Belonging at Work
If you celebrate Christmas, would you feel included at work if your colleagues scheduled important events or meetings on that day? Now imagine that this didn't just happen once or twice but regularly. In fact, every year someone would try to schedule something on Christmas and you had to politely remind them that this holiday is kind of a big deal to you and, no, you won't be available. After you say this, no one ever reschedules the events so that you can be included.
Welcome to my world.
Guiding Principles for Inclusive Language
"Just tell me what word to use." Whenever I hear this from a busy leader, I point out that inclusive language is about much more than substituting new terms for outdated ones. Being afraid of saying the wrong thing is something we all experience. But inclusive language is less about getting things "right" or "wrong" and more about centering the humanity of others, celebrating difference, and welcoming multiple perspectives.
The Courage to Thrive
Yesterday my oncologist gave me a heartfelt hug and said she hopes to never see me again. The staff congratulated me and I walked out the door for the last time--teary, relieved, and deeply grateful. I have officially made it to the ten-year milestone without a reoccurrence! Paradoxically, breast cancer made me more fearless and willing to take risks. As a survivor I learned to tap into my inner strength and dare to do things I had previously only dreamed of. Most of all, I discovered how to thrive by living and working with joy, courage, and authenticity.
Stop the Spread of Anti-Jewish Hate
Supporting your Jewish team members and neighbors is neither pro-Israel nor anti-Palestine; it’s about recognizing our shared humanity. For thousands of years, Jews have been scapegoated as evil. And it's still happening on social media. I see antisemitic conspiracy theories and anti-Jewish tropes on LinkedIn and other platforms with alarming frequency…. When you fail to call out biased, false, and misleading anti-Jewish rhetoric, you are contributing to a normalization of hate that endangers me and my community.
Navigating Polarizing Discussions
How do we effectively intervene in polarizing discussions and debates? Here are my top 4 recommended strategies, based on 20+ years of experience facilitating conversations on “hot” topics. These principles draw from decolonial theory and practice, feminist theory especially Black feminism, Indigenous ways of knowing, Buddhism, and critical pedagogy. 1. Normalize Repair, Not Harm 2. Moving Beyond Right and Wrong 3. Embrace the Pause 4. Resisting Hierarchies.
What Are Cultural Jews?
Perhaps you've heard some people describe Doug Emhoff, husband of Kamala Harris, as a "cultural Jew." Unlike Christians, Jewish people are an ethnoreligious group. Referring to Jewish people only or primarily as a religious group misses the mark because it fails to represent our felt sense of Jewish cultural identity. For me, being Jewish is a core part of my identity, like being gay. Without being Jewish, I would not be "me." It is for us--not others--to define how our traditions shape who we are and how we identify.
Co-Creating Safe and Brave Spaces
Leaders, saying the words "safe space" is not a magic wand that--abracadabra!-- transforms your workplace or team meeting into a zone of safety. Power dynamics impact your ability to build cultures of psychological safety for team members with different social identities, personalities, privilege, and lived experience. The most important question you should always ask yourself is, "Safe space for whom?” Because of the conflation of safety and comfort, I advocate for spaces that are both safe and brave. In brave spaces, we own our impact on others (regardless of our intentions) and are accountable for supporting all of our colleagues' psychological safety.
Feminists Standing in Solidarity with Trans Women and Girls
When you said "women's rights are human rights," did you mean only women who look a certain way, act a certain way, and have a certain type of body? Only women who aren't too strong or too fast? Cisgender women are not threatened or victimized by transgender and gender expansive people. If you are a White cis woman who is appropriating the language of women’s rights to inflict life-threatening harm on trans, Black, Brown, Indigenous or other marginalized communities who already experience widespread discrimination, you are not a feminist; you’re a fascist. White cis women, we should be standing in solidarity with all of our sisters/siblings, not weaponizing our womanhood and femininity against transgender women, gender expansive people, and Global Majority people. Weaponizing transphobia for political gain is the antithesis of feminism.
Imane Khelif and the Roots of Gender Policing at the Olympics
The false allegations, hatred, and bullying directed against Algerian boxer Imane Khelif is a global disgrace. As a Women's and Gender Studies professor for 20+ years, I can attest that gender policing of Olympians is not new. It has its roots in Nazi Germany (link in the comments) where two White women runners—including American Helen Stephens—were accused of being men at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. Almost 90 years later, gender policing continues to harm Olympians like Imane. Making false allegations about athletes' gender (typically based on sexist and heteronormative assumptions) is a form of harassment and bullying. Furthermore, White, Eurocentric ideals of femininity contribute to the heightened gender policing of female athletes of color from the Global South.
Reimagining the Racial Binary: Kamala Harris and Multiethnic Identity
Despite the vitriol we're seeing in this election, something amazing is happening. Kamala Harris is teaching people in the US and around the world how to reimagine the traditional boundary between Blackness and Whiteness.I admire the way Vice President Harris has responded to racist (and sexist) attacks against her, firmly rejecting racial polarization while also challenging the antiblackness of her critics. Deftly navigating the “what-are-you-really?” questions, Kamala reminds us of a powerful truth: People are the experts on their own lives.
Eliminating Mizzou’s DEI Division Harms Missourians
I'm writing with a heavy heart. Today the University of Missouri-Columbia, where I was a faculty member for 22 years, announced the elimination of the Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Division. Since last year DEI changes have been made at 185 universities across 25 states, undermining efforts to create diverse and welcoming campus communities for all students, faculty and staff. Statements about diversity, equity, and inclusion will be hollow without the policies and support systems that help ALL students succeed and feel a sense of belonging. If we want to promoting student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness, higher education leaders must defend and strengthen DEI. Educational excellence requires inclusive excellence.
What Comes After a Courageous Conversation?
When it comes to courageous conversations, one of the most common mistakes we make is not thinking through what happens after them. Every Monday in July I’ve been sharing tools and practical suggestions for how to prepare for and navigate tough talks with courage, curiosity, and compassion. In this series we learned:
🧠 What is a courageous conversation?
🗣 What's the difference between dialogue and debate?
🍽 How to "set the table" for a courageous conversation.
💪 How to have a courageous conversation with confidence.
To wrap up the series, let's address a question that isn't discussed as often as it should be: “What Comes After a Courageous Conversation?”
I Don’t Need Children To Have a Stake in Our Collective Future
I am a queer, Jewish, childless woman with a stake in the future of our country. My spouse and I just celebrated our 31st anniversary. Contrary to what some folks are saying, diversity, not sameness, is America’s greatest strength. Real Americans don’t have children. Real Americans use IVF technology and adopt. Real Americans are stepparents and have blended families. This shouldn't be a partisan issue. It's simply about respecting people who may look, act, or think differently than you do. Belonging begins with us.
How To Have a Courageous Conversation with Confidence
The most difficult part of most courageous conversations isn't the conversation itself; it's just knowing you need to have it. But how?! I’m Dr. Elisa Glick and I help leaders build trust in the workplace, one courageous conversation at a time. Welcome to the 4th installment in my Courageous Conversation series. Every Monday in July I'm posting tools and strategies for navigating courageous conversations. Today, let's roll up our proverbial sleeves and discuss how to stop worrying, stressing, and procrastinating and have a courageous conversation with confidence!
France’s Hijab Ban and the 2024 Olympics
Did you know that France, host country of the 2024 Olympics, is the only country in Europe with bans on religious headwear? Hijab bans in sports are human rights violations and a direct attack on the rights and identities of Muslim women. It’s time for all feminists and human rights advocates to speak out and support inclusivity in sports!
The White Bonus: Understanding the Cash Value of White Privilege
As I’ve learned from my own antiracism journey, white privilege seems amorphous to those who have it. But the material gains that racism confers upon White Americans can be calculated in dollars and cents. Journalist Tracie McMillan has done the math to prove it.